The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

"Move wasn't using Wii as market research, you fool.
They've been working on this since the PS2, and only wanted to bring out something that worked properly. "

you'd have to be an idiot to think that the move won't benefit from the existing research into game applications developed for the Wii.

5051d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

you don't need 100% of the processor ALL the time. It's a big part of why so many people root their android phones. As long as manufacturers start modifying the OS and stop filling the phone with bloatware you can get really good life out of it.

Of course if we developed batteries that were better than the piles of shit we have now, all that would go away.

The heat issue will be interesting though.

5052d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"I know but clearly it is meant to be like that. You cant just take the RSX out of its context. PS3 is not a PC."

The PS3 was actually supposed to have 2 cell processors one for general purpose and one for graphics. The RSX was put in because 2 cells would have been too expensive at the time.

5052d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Minority report controls are essentially touchless touch screens. They're actually much more natural than a keyboard or mouse. Why would you not want something like that? This is really just a proof of concept, which is pretty good with that in mind.

A higher resolution camera should be able to track fingertips pretty easily. M$ even said that their early more expensive kinect prototypes were already doing it.

@voice controls. Voice controls will never be...

5054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"nobody made an issue with other games like splinter cell and alan wake being held back"

Do you actually read any of the news? Everybody made an issue with both of those games. People even made issues with Too Human, which was only in development for 3 years but had the same name as a deus ex clone from 10 years ago.

5054d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@"where did that 20 bucks just go i spent barely a year ago? "

where's the $15 I spent for 2 hours in jackass 3D?

5054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"people want physical copies of their games"

steam, the apple appstore, and the android marketplace say hi.

In 5 years we'll be able to download a blu-ray's entire capacity in the time it takes to drive to the store.

The real draw of OnLive is that the innitial investment in hardware is very low, and it should work until you need new inputs or outputs. There is no limit on the actual computational power required for the gam...

5055d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dude I'm just saying if you're developing a multi-plat and you're main platform is the 360 you'll obviously use all the memory on the PS3 before you port and optimize for it.

5058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"so i won't go into a LOT of detail, but while me and the team were doing memory tests on a particular multi-platform project for Activision, i noted that the 360 version was using all 512MB of the console's memory. the PS3 version of that same game was only using 256MB"

the PS3 has split memory. That's one of the big complaints. That's far more likely the reason that it was using 256MB.

Surprise. Developers like developing on easie...

5061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come see how good this hi def game looks in this low res video stream from my phone!

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

spiderman 2 and ultimate spiderman were both pretty solid. I think the problem is they are trying to change the formula. They either sacrifice combat to focus on swinging or sacrifice swinging to focus on combat. All the while they miss that both of those things are important to the game, and spiderman 2 was the one that had both in the best balance.

5064d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"Let me ask you a question. How do movies studios keep up with how much money their movies make from ticket sales?"

HAH. they don't. They do the same thing that microsoft and sony do. They call 5 large retailers/theaters and estimate the total sales.

There's still a buttload of theatres that don't even have computers for their tickets.

5064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The chest is actually a much worse place to get hit than the temple statistically. Getting hit in the temple really isn't as high a risk as you think. By the time you are 2 your skull is pretty much solid though not entirely fused at the top.

If you're going to be THAT worried about everything, you can die just sitting down doing nothing. Are you going to keep your kids tied to their beds for the rest of their lives so nothing ever happens?

5065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@patrick: and who's going to compile the information from these thousands of retailers? How are you going to collect it? You think every retailer is going to give sony access to it's inventory? What's the motivation for the companies to report anything? Is sony going to give them a discount for reporting their sales? Who's going to verify the numbers? What happens if one of the retailers reports more or less sold than are actually sold? What happens if a retailer accidentally ...

5065d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

how do you get move costing so much more than kinect? They're both probably made for $5 in china.

5065d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Patrick: where I used to live (menomonie WI) there was a video game store that sold new and used games that was a mom and pop store that doesn't even have a website. Where I live now there are a bunch within 20 miles. Gametech, Record Head, King and Son's Video Games, Disc Go Round, Play N Trade, and a couple Mega Media Exchanges.

Believe it or not there are more stores than walmart, bestbuy, and target in existence.

5065d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


you didn't read my post. There are computers, but not every company has it's inventory on a network, let alone a network connected to the internet that they're willing to share with another company.

There are thousands of small retailers that sell millions of systems that would just be a waste of time for sony to track down.

For sony to accurately track sales to consumers they would have to get a hold of the information ...

5065d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I don't think it would affect visual style all that much. Even small movements of the head would dramatically change the way you perceive the depth of the world in the screen and would really make it come to life. A really solid example is the Ipad version of labyrinth vs the iphone counterpart.

Even small movements <1ft add a huge amount of depth perception that would add to the experience of any 3D media imo.

I wouldn't buy a kinect solely for th...

5065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is, this wouldn't drain resources from the system so it could be rapidly implemented for almost any game with low cost to performance.

If you look at the IPad version of labyrinth it makes a huge difference on the look of the game vs iphone. Even the smallest hint of 3D dramatically affects how the user perceives the game (even if it's just a trick).

5065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They said that 3D wasn't going to be mainstream this generation. They fully acknowledged it as an interesting technology for the future.

5065d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment